"You have found success not despite your struggles, but because of them."

I believe all of us reach a point in our lives where we look at the narrative we've been living to, and realise we haven't been living our life to the fullest. When we realise this, we make the most important decision of our lives, to start creating the story that we're meant to be a part of.

Some people call this a mid-life crisis, some call it an a-ha moment, some call it spiritual awakening. I call it picking up the pen.

I picked up the pen at age 22, as I watched my Dad lose his fight with cancer. I stood at the doorway of dad’s hospice room and looked back at my dad lying there on his deathbed. I realised one day that was going to be me.

One day we will all be lying on our deathbeds, and we will look back on our lives and assess whether we lived a good life. Were we the person we were capable of being? Did we follow what was in our heart? How did we impact others during our time?

Up until that point, I hadn’t been living a story that was truly me. I was unhappy with who I was. I wasn’t following my purpose. I wasn’t trying to serve others. At that doorway, I made the decision that I was going to write a very different script to the one I had been living to up until that point. I didn’t recognise it at the time, but I had made the decision to Author my Life.

From that point on, I have been helping people to change the stories of their lives, and become the heroes they are meant to be. This journey has led to me becoming a #1 bestselling author, a highly acclaimed speaker and seminar leader, and host of a podcast that has listeners in over twenty-five countries. I have been studying psychology for ten years, identifying how we master ourselves and master our lives.

Author Your Life helps people make the decision to change and gives them the resources to empower them to do so. If you would like to change the script you've been living by, then click one of the links below, and let's get started.


Read about the three vital lessons I learned from the death of my Dad



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